the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Unsettled 1157


12:14 pm

Unsettled is not a good feeling for me. It generally precipitates a downward slide in my mood, aka depression, so I'm keeping on eye on things here in the hopes of stopping anything before it starts. It started last night, I think, when I got email from the Colleague in which she said the principal made some mention about having plans to "make better use" of the new library once it opens.

First, I do not want to think about that place in the summer at all, especially this summer, but I will have to at least a little because I want to know how things are going with the Colleague, who works all summer, and whose job is being changed every day. I need to be there for her, but I don't want to be there at all. Second, what the hell does he mean by "better use" when he has no idea what we did there before?

Enough of that shit. I need seriously to start working on the basement, but I still don't know if the electrician is coming today or tomorrow. I don't want to be in his way, for one, and working down there will be much, much easier after he's put in the new lights. So that's up in the air.

K just freaked the fuck out when I said the painter was coming a half hour earlier to give his estimate, since she just got out of the shower and is getting dressed, etc,. and of course, he's coming to look at her room. I really hope she gets that job. Today. So now I know that she's unsettled for the day, too.

I got to physical therapy this morning and got all hooked up to one of the machines and turned on the brand-new iPod and it just winked out and went dead. Man, did that ever piss me off! I came home and tried to turn it on again, plugged it in, nothing worked. Made sure I had a copy of the receipt so I could take it back to the you-know-where this afternoon. Last ditch effort, read the help files. I had tried to reset it, but the help files say to toggle the hold switch first. Did that. Works like a dream now. All that aggravation for nothing. It's fine.

30 minutes later:

Let's see. The painter did, in fact, arrive early, even though I called them back and asked them not to come until the scheduled time. He had to wait until she finished drying her hair or getting dressed or whatever the hell she was doing up there. She did not look happy when she came down half put together. But he was very quick and very nice, and said they can start next week and it will only take three days. That's gonna be three nasty days, but then it'll be done. And he's already gone, so that's good. I'm going to assume no electrician for today, since it's noon and I haven't heard from him yet.

After he left, K was very sweet, which was nice, and then she showed me where she put a hot cereal bowl on my coffee table this morning where it left a mark that I'm pretty sure is never coming out. So she had some nerve being bitchy to begin with, but we'll let that pass. I'm amazed that I'm not more angry over the mark on the table that I am. I'm just thinking that it give it character, yes?

In the world outside of my own little head, there are flood warnings everywhere you turn, but no flooding in Bizarro Town as yet. My house is on a small hill, and is really in the dead center of the town between the two rivers, so river flooding is not much of a risk for us. However, we have seen the basement flood during hurricanes, or after days of extremely heavy rain. I don't need to tell you how much crap is sitting in boxes on my basement floor. Anyway, I guess I will start doing some work down there after lunch. That wasn't as outside my own little head as I meant it to be, was it? I guess the whole world is ME ME ME ME ME ME today.

K is paying a couple of bills -- I'm recovering from the shock of that -- and then we're heading out for an IHOP lunch. Because that's plate full of calories I so desperately need.

Later --

I'm watching Will and Grace

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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