the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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So Where Was I? 1276


7:01 pm

I was so exhausted last night that I didn't have the energy to write, and I fell asleep on the couch around 7:30. The MIL called at 8:00 and woke me up for awhile, but then I drifted off and missed the first 15 minutes of Heroes. I finally remembered that I have a DVR and so I went back and watched from the beginning, but the show went over by about 15 seconds and I missed the end. So I'll have to catch it online when I get home.

Yes, yes, I am back at work, as I was yesterday. That's probably why I was so tired, hobbling around the school on the crutches. It takes a lot out of you. But I am here, traveling arrangements having been made, and functioning. Yet again, everyone has seen the new library but me, but Mr. My-Door-Is-Always-Open -- who's been extremely nice to me lately, including letting me walk right in and talk to him, even if he's already got someone in his office -- is encouraging for next week. The bookstacks are in place now, but not the actual shelves. The SCM got in there this morning before school started, so I got a first-hand report.

On the leg front, I went and had the brace checked yesterday, and after assuring me that I had it on perfectly, the guy re-positioned it, and it's much, much better. At home, I get around with just one crutch, or often with none, because the house is so small that there's no where I have to walk that I can't grab onto a counter, a wall, or a table. I am using both crutches at school, and the elevator.

The elevator. Arrgghh. When I got to school yesterday and made my way over to it, it was out of service. It took twenty minutes for the custodians to get it back on line, at which point I rode up and then had to navigate to the library in exile through a bit of hall traffic. It's a pretty creepy elevator, actually; its quite small and raggedy looking -- it's only about 22 years old, which I know because it was built when I was on maternity leave with K -- and prone to random malfunctions. But at the moment, it's the only game in town for me. If I had to go up and down the stairs, I'd really need a nap after each trip.

Halloween is a big event here in school, where all the seniors come in costume, but it's a bit muted this year. One of the reasons is that the place they always congregated in the morning before school and during lunch to show off their costumes is a room that no longer exists, so they're a bit lost. Also, and this is really weird, our boys soccer team is in a state playoff game this afternoon at 2, at home, so the seniors Halloween party has been rescheduled to an hour earlier, and at 2, the whole school is being marched out to the field to watch the game. Seriously. But not me, as you might guess, so I'm taking the opportunity to let K pick me up then, instead of 2:30, so she won't have to worry about being late for work at 3.

My big task once I'm home will be to see if I have enough clothes to wear for the rest of the week. I can't get jeans on over the brace, so I'm wearing warm-up suits and gym pants, but most of what I got to wear to the gym are cropped-length, and honey, I am not wearing that to work. "My, Mrs. Chai, what fat ankles you have!" Just kidding, it's just not appropriate. Although I haven't completely ruled out the plaid pajama pants for later in the week. Oy.



I crashed on the couch for more than an hour, but didn't sleep. R called and I talked to her for a while and then I got up and made a list.

I make lists of things I need to do, but this is more like a list of things I need other people to do, for me or just in general. Now that mommy can't do all kinds of things, you would think that some of it would just become obvious and someone else would do it, but I guess this is not the case. Well, sometimes it is; the Hubs just came home from work and saw that our bedspread needed to be washed immediately (for cat reasons) and went and did it. He even brought a new package of toilet paper up from the basement, since he was down there putting the bedpsread in the wash anyway. Maybe I don't need to complain after all, but I still had to do the litterbox myself, so I'm entitled. I have several places R needs to take me tomorrow afternoon when she's here; I ask K to do so much because she lives here and she's available, and I'm trying to distribute the load a little. I guess I just really hate to ask people to do things for me; I said to the Sibs before that it makes me feel like Shirl, but she said to stop that train of thought right now because this is what families do for each other. And she's right. It's why we jumped up and got Shirl another half-inch of water in her glass when she asked for it. It's what families do.

Turns out I have something to wear tomorrow and then on Thursday and that's pretty much it. So someone is going to have to do a load of laundry for me at some point. Maybe I'll see if I can get my jeans on over the brace later, although I seriously doubt it. Would be nice, though.

I'm watching The Simpsons

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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