the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition 1311


6:48 pm

Well, it's true. And in many ways, I think, sums up my week. Because I very specifically laid out my plans for the week, did I not? And did put in there anywhere any of the following:

  1. K's car will suddenly need new brakes, or at least, new brake components.

  2. The part for my car will never arrive.

  3. I will be attacked by a mutant virus, and will spend half the week in the bathroom, and the other half blowing my nose

  4. After waiting for six months, the library books will come back on a day when I am absent. (See mutant virus, above.)

  5. I will eat an entire loaf of bread, as opposed to most months of my life where I have not a single slice of bread at all.

(Because the only thing I could reasonably believe would not upset my stomach more was bread, so for days, I ate nothing else. A bit of broth here an there. I am dying for a pizza right about now. But instead, I'm having dinner from the Chinese take-out: vegetable broth with tofu, a little white rice thrown in. Oh, yum.)

Anyway, when the Hubs got home last night and I told him the continuing sagas of my car and my gut, he said "You know what they say: obladi oblada." At which point I turned to K and she said "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition." Which I have decided will be my new mantra in life.

In between today's bouts of feeling like death warmed over, I managed a trip to the Giant Jeans Conglomerate, which was not only having some excellent sales, but which was also having a Friends and Family promotion, so I got 30% of everything (almost), including what was already on sale. I believe this is what we call "making out like a bandit." No discount on the gift cards I got for the Hubs' niece/nephew (also mine, of course, but to distinguish them from my sister's kids, the niece and nephews of my heart) or for the two items I got from the Red collection, which profit goes to charity, so no complaint from me there. K's store has no men's department, however, so after R and I cleaned up there, the Sibs and I went to a bigger store out on the highway, since all she needed were gifts for various men in her life. She likewise made out like a total bandit (because we didn't have to be in K's store, just be her friends or family) and I got a sweater for myself in the men's department.

Tomorrow, if I can hack it, K wants to go to yet another branch in a mall nearby, a bigger store than hers and she's looking for something specific her store is already out of, and Target, and then food shopping. I'm being awfully optimistic here, and really, I should have learned last week what happens when I lay out all my plans here. BTW, I've also promised all concerned that if I'm not better by Monday, I will seek medical attention. I'm reluctant to do this, partly because I've already missed so much work recently and partly because OH RIGHT I don't have a car to get to medical attention, but the Sibs says she will take me wherever I need to go. (Somebody remind me of this the next time I bitch about her. She really is a totally excellent sister, and has been for going on 54 years next month. Remind me to tell you how I might have died at two weeks old except for her.)

Ooh, dwarf show coming on in an hour.

I'm watching Scrubs

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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