the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Madame Trash Heap 1168


6:48 pm

I did absolutely nothing all day today (unless you count getting a pedicure as doing something), until 4:00, when I came alive and worked on the basement for awhile. I filled four bags of trash and six bags of clothes and shoes to take to the bins tomorrow. The back of my car is filled with flattened cardboard to take to recycling.

As always, I uncovered a variety of treasures downstairs. Today I uncovered two file boxes in which I have an index card for each one of the comic books I own. Each card has the title of the magazine, its issue number, its date, and a listing of the stories in it. I started the file when I was 9 years old and in bed with measles for two weeks; I think at that time, I had 20 or 30 comic books to ... yes, well, the only word is catalog. After that I just kept it up. I think I bought my last one when I was 20 or so, which adds up to about 400 mostly Superman and associated character comics. The comics themeselves are in the attic. Gotta look into all of that someday, I guess.

I found an adorable little black dressy bag that I only bought a year or two ago and that somehow got into the box of fanny packs and camera cases. I pulled that out to take to the upcoming Florida Bar Mitzvah with me.

I stumbled across a trunk -- a big Rubbermaid sort of plastic trunk; there are three of them down there -- that is full of memento clothes. The class t-shirts for all the Junior Classes I worked with are in there, as well as a variety of Girl Scout things, including the leader sweatshirt I painted at a workshop once. I found doilies and hankies that my grandmother and great-aunt made. Gotta look into all of those, too.

I found a little niche in which to stash my incredibly cumbersome collection of Star Trek: The Next Generation videotapes, which made me very happy. Now I have more room to move some of R's crap out of the living room. Which is good, because now the living room is filling up with K's crap, in preparation for the painters who may or may not come this week.

If all goes according to plan -- and of course, it never does -- by this time next week, K's room will have been painted and her stuff moved back up, and R will have taken some of her stuff, as well as some of mine from the basement, like the spare toaster and K's George grill from DC. That's if the room is painted. And if R and her roommate, T, can get rid of the rest of the stuff that the two weird roommates left behind when they ... uh, left.

Yes, they moved out. They took their dishes and silverware, their clothes, and their bed. They left virtually everything else, including food and toiletries, two dressers, a variety of kitchen appliances, towels, and the furniture they had chipped in on and which they insisted they were taking. They have not spoken to either R or T since they moved out, and the girls have no idea if they're coming back for this stuff or what. R says there is no way she's going to be in the wedding party for people who don't even treat her like a friend. Sounds like a plan to me.

I spoke to my nephew again today, who had emailed me a recording of his whole radio show, so now I guess I'll have to listen to it. I also need to copy it onto discs for everybody out here, which is maybe four or five discs? Best I get started on that, I suppose.

I'm watching in between shows

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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