the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Things 1192


6:34 pm

It's an uneventful day, for the most part, although certainly hot out there, as it is everywhere. Toes this morning with the Sibs, who hadn't slept well, as was exhausted and yawning the whole time. She's a step-grandma, btw, as of Friday night, as her husband's daughter gave birth to a healthy little girl, which is certainly happy news all around.

R visited for awhile this afternoon and just left, but K is crabby now, either not feeling well or who knows what. I napped for awhile on the couch, which annoys her when I snore, which I can understand, but she wasn't even home when I fell asleep there. Just a cranky afternoon for her.

I'm not bummed or anything, but I'm having the kind of day where I just feel like talking to my mother, you know? Nothing big, no particular mommy-type comfort needed. Just feel like sitting around the kitchen table, having a smoke with her, and shooting the breeze. Fifteen-years-ago Shirl. Preferably in a bipolar up, because man, she was funny as hell when she was up.

I have any number of things to do tomorrow, some of which are K related, so we'll see how many of my things I actually get to. She's only working three days this week, and only 3 to 8.

Here's a thought, though. She put in her application for grad school online, and she got back an offer to take one or two classes in the fall, even though she won't be enrolled in the program until January. She's taking one, which means she'll be out each week on Thursday evening. And the Hubs is teaching again in the fall, his last semester at that, so he'll be out Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Do I see ... one evening of peacefulness a week? Perhaps I do. One thing I know I don't want is to have to be home afternoons or anything to make a point of having dinner with K because that gym I joined will be open, and II'd like to just go when I want. I'm also hoping for dinner every week or two with the Sibs or with the Chum.

Speaking of the Chum, and I may have said this before, sorry if I'm repeating myself, she's made a point of saying that she won't disappear just because she's retired, as the other member of our triumvirate, E, vanished into the world of retirees and grandchildren. The Chum has said that she'll come and have lunch with me all the time, see me after school, and so on. I certainly appreciate the thought, and do want to see her as much as possible. But I'll still be working, whereas she'll have her days free and unstructured and has all the time in the world to fit me in. I've already committed my school lunch times to the Other Chai, and I'm trying to figure out how to get out of that and spend them with the Colleague instead. I have 45 minutes for lunch, and would find going out somewhere very stressful and rushed. That's why we never did it when the Chum was still there, y'know? And I'm not giving away my Thursday evenings, I think, or my gym afternoons. Ah well, something to work out. So far, it's the only thinking about school that I want to do. The Colleague got a tour of the new library (still under construction) this week, and was a little dazzled by it, but I don't even want to give it enough thought to ask for a tour myself. And I've said all along, they've designed it to look nice, but no one gave a moment's thought to how it will function. It's my summertime, and I'm not thinking about it. I haven't even checked my school email since the first week of vacation. (And people emailed me there; what's wrong with them? Don't they know we don't work in the summer?)

Going to pick up some pizza now. I'll let you know how my frenzied tomorrow goes.

I'm watching VH1

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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