the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Okay, I Admit It 1226


3:02 pm

I watched the CBS news last night to see Katie Couric. I'm not a fan, particularly, of Katie Couric, and I think I wanted to see if she reported the serious news with that same shit-eating grin she wore for every single story she did on The Today Show. How was she? She deserves time. Although the show was a little bit reminiscent of the fun news show in Network, you know, where they bring in a psychic and other goofy things to boost ratings. And hey, I got to see the first broadcast picture of Suri Cruise, so it wasn't for nothing. How was she? She's got more hair than a two year old. So the questions are not exactly answered, if you know what I mean.

In other news, work is starting to heat up, even though I don't go back until tomorrow, and it's not looking good. I can't even put it into words, and I probably shouldn't even try until I'm there, but these are not nice people in charge of what I do. They look nice and they dress nice but they are not nice. Here's what I have to keep saying to myself, like a mantra:

pension pension pension pension pension

And then keep my mouth shut. I'm never going to get anywhere with them, and I don't want to try. I've got too much at stake. So if I am a non-person to them, they must be non-people to me. Let's just hope the library lasts as long as I need it to, and they haven't phased them out by then.

Fi wrote something yesterday that triggered a memory, but I'll post that in a day or two. I'm just saying.

I also watched House last night, and since I was alone, I put on the closed captioning. It was awful! Half of everybody's dialog was left out, the whole thing was out of sync so it appeared that the wrong person was saying the words, and other stuff. Now, I can actually hear and just use the CC to enhance the sound -- to read a word that I didn't quite catch, mostly -- but it was useless. Even so, I was too lazy to turn it off, and to my surprise, at the end, they gave the name and website of the company that did the captions. So I went there and wrote them a letter of complaint. Imagine my surprise a few minutes ago when I got a very nice response, asking for more details (my cable provider, the station and timezone I watched on.) I'm astounded that I didn't get a form letter, and that the letter I got came so fast! I'm very impressed. I'll be even more so if they do it right in the future. My TV is old by today's technology standards, about 8 years, I think, but the SVU captions come in perfectly, so I don't think it's the TV.

I got up at school time this morning; earlier, in fact, because I woke up with a headache at a quarter after five, and now it's almost 10:30 and I feel like it's time for the day to be over. I've got no place to go today except for a few local errands, and my dry-cleaning won't be ready until this afternoon, so I can't go until then.

I have actually cleaned today, or at least what passes for cleaning here. I'm sure I've told this before, but when R was a baby and the pediatrician would ask various developmental questions at each visit, he asked once "Does she imitate housework?" and I said "That's hard to say; she's never seen any" and I wasn't kidding. You should see Boo the cat run when the vacuum comes out; he's never seen it often enough to get used to it. Anyway, I also brought some stuff down to the basement, I have a wash in, and I took out my clothes for tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be very odd. For the first time in maybe 25 years, I won't have a best bud to sit with at all the meetings and go out to lunch with. The Chum and I got to be friends about 18 years ago, I think, but I had E before that, and then the three of us became inseparable. Even since E retired, she would join the Chum and me for lunch on the first day of school. But E is away somewhere, and the Chum is still in Maine. Honestly, I feel like a nervous middle-schooler, which is dopey, because it's not like I don't know everybody else and I could sit at the meeting with just about anybody, and come home for lunch. Hopefully I will find Hank, with whom I co-advised GSA for the last few years. Since I've gotten to know him better, he's sat with the Chum and me at meetings, and he's tall so maybe I'll see him over the crowd. If not, all I really need to do is drift into a range where The Other Chai can see me, and then she'll take over my life for the day. But I don't know if I'm up for that yet. I'm just hoping that I don't get cornered by the SCM, because I'm definitely not ready for him yet.


Hmm, well, I just found this open window; I thought I'd posted this hours ago. Here it is, then.

I'm watching Dr.Phil

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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