the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Still Here 1230


8:14 pm

I didn't write yesterday because I had absolutely nothing to say. No more dizzy spells, just the standard headaches. I didn't even go to Target, for Pete's sake.

When I got home today, after a brief stop at CVS for Clorox wipes and Fantastik spray because everything in that school is the filth, I started working on a OneTrueMedia montage which I will not show you because it will make no sense to you. I got to school early today and walked around the newly renovated areas and took little movie clips with my cell phone. The pictures are very, very grainy, and would make no sense to anyone who wasn't already familiar with the building. But I wanted to show the Chum, who's still in Maine, what it looks like. The clips will only run for 15 seconds, and I had eleven of them, and set them to the Alfred Hitchcock theme, which loops and runs three and a half times. (Did you know that song is actually called "The Funeral March of the Marionette?" Euw.)

So it took me awhile to do that, and then K and I had dinner, and then the Colleague called and we talked for maybe an hour because we saw each other today just enough to wave a couple of times. I was very, very glad that she called, because I missed her a lot all day.

As predicted, The Other Chai is more than happy to direct my activities, and although amusing for the first five minutes, it wears thin. She came to lunch a little late because she was buying that swill the cafeteria serves -- it's actually very tasty food, but all high in fat and calories so I bring a salad from home -- so I was sitting there not alone, as such, because there were other people in the room, but somewhat on my own. I did end up staying the whole lunch period and chatting with her, but it was getting to be enough already. Then there was a faculty meeting so I was sitting with her again. You know, I've known this woman for a very long time, since I was in 11th grade and she was my student teacher, in fact, and of course, we've worked together all this time. Our closeness as friends has gone in and out over the years; we were especially friendly when our kids were little (they are the same age) and I happened to have a lunch date with her the very day her husband left her so I was the good, supportive friend there, but honestly? We never ever sat together at faculty meetings and now we're like freaking velcro. I know what happened to my posse, but what the hell happened to hers? I don't even know who they were.

School did not totally suck today, but it still has the potential to be very, very not good. And tomorrow, the Clorox wipes.

I'm watching SVU

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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