the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Quickie 143


8:14 pm

Or something. This looks to be a most hectic weekend, especially for this fifty-something who has so easily adjusted to kids out of the house and a stress level lower than I've ever known before in my life. So, a quick run-down before I get to the Friday 5:

At 11:00 tomorrow, I'll be leading an alumni group from the Class of 1963 on a tour of the high school, because I don't have enough else to do. **bold-faced lie**. I really should have checked my calender more carefully before I said yes to this one.

As soon as that's over, Hubs and I are driving up to R's school to pick up everything from her dorm room and bring it home. But don't worry, we're bringing her a sleeping bag, since we're leaving her with absolutely not a single other thing.

The MIL and FIL are coming in the evening, staying, mercifully, at a hotel, since here in The Mouse House there would be no place for them to stay. I must remember that this is R's weekend, and put my recent animosity towards them in a side pocket for the two days. Since the MIL insisted on the phone last week that they are planning a brithday party for the FIL and couldn't possibly have it without me (even though I made it real clear that I wouldn't be attending, I really did), this may not be so very possible.

On Sunday morning we leave here around 7:00 am for the ride -- in one car -- up to R's school, where she will be graduating at 11:00. If you'll pardon the expression, un-be-fucking-lievable. How could I possibly have a kid graduating from college? I'm only 19, aren't I?

After the ceremony, and an orgy of picture-taking, which I will enjoy, we all go out to lunch. Of course, since the Hubs consumes no actual human food, this should be a real treat.

What can I say? I intensely dislike, in no particular order, stress, ceremony, crowds, hub-bub of any kind, awkward situations, and stress. So, except for the picture-taking, it should be a real blast. And if it rains, that's out, too.

An update, with all the gory details, to follow sometime next week when my neurons have re-commenced to firing.

The Friday Five!

1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
I almost never drink water. I don't like it. It has no taste. Drink 8 glasses a day? Are you kidding? I tried it once, got up to about four, and peed every five minutes for a week. My body does not tolerate water well, especially in quantity. I drink water if I'm choking or taking a pill. Otherwise, I might drink one actual glass of water a month.

We have water delivered in bottles, which everyone else here drinks, and we use it to make coffee or tea. I could care less, and I drink tap water as often as bottled. We don't do the purifier thing.

2. What are your favourite flavor of chips?
Regular potato chips, preferably with ridges, which I enjoy mostly with sour cream. Aw, come on, it's just dip without the extra flavoring!

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: macaroni and cheese. My ode to macaroni and cheese is in fact in the works, and will appear soon. Watch this space.

4. How do you have your eggs?
I've never had any kind of eggs I didn't like. I LOVE eggs. My first choice is usually over-easy, but I also very much like scrambled eggs. The late Jack was the undisputed omelet king, and I can make them, since he taught me, but his were the best.

Here's the weirdest egg thing I ever had, and it's okay to say EEUUWW on this one; I understand, but I was pregnant at the time and had this every day: I opened a small pita, spread the inside with cream cheese, made two eggs sunnyside-up and stuffed them in. Hubs had to leave the room; he couldn't watch me eat it. It was, I say with no modesty at all, outstanding. And disgusting, too, yes I know. I was pregnant, though. You know that pregnant women will latch onto some weird food that they just have to have. This was mine

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
Damn sure it wasn't me, since I don't cook much to speak of, and I don't know when I cooked a last actual meal. I guess this doesn't mean in a restaurant, either. Might have been Easter dinner, cooked by the MIL. It was not one of her best, which is too bad, since her average is usually really good. Actually it was a brunch this year, now that I think of it. She's generally a very good cook and knows how to put a whole nice meal on the table.

I did stop by my sister's house one evening and she cooked me up a batch of blintzes. I'm all about the sour cream. But perhaps that doesn't qualify as a meal. But it turned out great!

K just asked me what I was doing and I said I was writing a diary entry and she said to say Hi. So there you go: K says hi!

I'm watching Tadpole - amovie, K picked it out

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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