the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Still Tired After All These Days 145


5:56 pm

Lately it seems that by the time I get home from work, I'm too tired to do anything at all, including updating my diary. I've been sleeping, too -- well, more or less. I only wake up four or five times a night. For a couple of weeks there, I was sleeping just like a normal person, or what I imagine normal people sleep like: I would only wake up once or twice, and never get out of bed at all. Anyway, even though I'm kind of sleeping, I'm still so tired! So I haven't gotten to write my people-who-attend-graduation-ceremonies-are-jerks photo essay yet. Perhaps over the deliciously long weekend to come. (They gave us Tuesday off, too, to make up for a snow day we didn't have to take, which is also amazing.)

So, two things here. One, American Idol. What can I say? Minutes before the end, K was pleading with me to state publicly that I wanted Clay to win. By then, I would have been happy with either one, so I truthfully agreed that I did expect him to win. Ah well. I was fond of Ruben from the start, but I enjoyed Clay as well. Not like the first one, where Justin (and some of those others at the end) gave me the creeps. Ruben, Clay, Ruben, Clay: two nice boys.

I was inspired to write a mini-rant today by something totally unrelated that I read in marn's diary just now. Among other things, she is not pleased with the impact of her months of working out on her upper arms.

Hmm, upper arms.


Here's the thing: I work in a high school, I see kids with all kinds of tattoos all the time. (Y'know, teachers didn't used to be able to say that, unless they taught in prison. But I digress.) I am always intrigued, if not stupefied, by girls with tattoos, and where they get them.

A prime tattoo spot for girls? On their bellies, either centered near the navel, or on the hip.

Well, ho-de-ho-ho-ho. Clearly, these little babes have not a clue that in the future -- and perhaps, not in the very far future -- that flat little belly will be anything but. And so I constantly advise these foolish children: never get a tattoo on any part of your body that isn't going to be in the same place for the rest of your life!!

This limits us all to only a few spots, such as the inner arm/wrist, where I bear my beloved purple chai. Both my daughters have a tattoo on the small of the back, which, hey, I don't understand having a tattoo you can't see yourself, but actually, the small of the back doesn't generally move, everything just moves around it. Where else can you go? On the outside of your ankle, perhaps; I hear that hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.

Places you should not get your tattoo - a primer for girls:

  • On the front of your torso. Trust me on this one. Everything is eventually moving south.
  • On your thigh or upper leg or your calf.
  • On your breasts, anywhere on your breasts.
Oh honey-child, this is a piss-poor idea. Listen: once, on the senior class trip, we went to a street fair, and for a laugh, four of us teacher-women got temporary tattoos, just above the bathing suit line, you know, there. I got a peace sign, man.

The next morning, I stepped out of the shower in the hotel bathroom and got a look in the wall-to-wall mirror (and shuddered uncontrollably for minutes, but I digress) and saw that my sweet little peace sign was now somewhat -- okay, a lot -- teardrop shaped. And I never got it to be round again! I mean, those of you who share the big ones dilemma know: once that sucker's let loose, it's never getting stuffed back in that bra in just the same way.

But the upper arm. Last week, I was talking to one of the new, young, and really, remarkably beautiful women teachers, and I saw that she has a tattoo on the inside of her upper arm! Not even on the outside, the muscle, like a sailor man. On the inside of her upper arm. She's about 26 now, so she's got what, maybe ten years left out of that tattoo? Maybe the good news is that she can get two-for-one, when she goes to remove either the tattoo or the dewlap hanging out of her sleeve, they can take them both.

I'm done now.

I'm watching MTV going off (they're home) Golden Girls coming on

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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