the purple chai
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a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Squirrels in the Attic 284


3:27 pm

And that works on just about every level. But specifically:

My project for this weekend is the closet in the upstairs room. And what a closet it is. The doorknob fell off years ago. We don't like to leave it open for more than a moment at a time because BooBoo rushes in, seeks out the hole in the back that opens (for him, anyway) into the real attic, and disappears. And the closet is creepy and dark, has the chimney for one of its interior walls, and has been, let's face it, full of garbage.

Literally, garbage. The teenage girl squirrels who have lived there, together or apart, for the last 12 years or so, do not so much care to take out their trash. This is disgusting. Yet it isn't so much food trash as it is papers, tissues, makeup, magazines, socks ... you get it. Some of it was actually in big black garbage bags that they put in the closet rather than drag down the stairs. Anyway, I dumped it all, but not before checking briefly to make sure I wasn't dumping treasure, which is how I saved all of R's Girl Scout sashes.(Hmmm. Let me say again, I can't wait to visit them in their own homes someday.) And the rest had to be put into bags and brought down by me.

But not the acorns. Yes, I found acorn shells in the closet amidst the flotsam of girl living. Ickyickyicky.

Some years ago -- let's see, R was still dating the Psycho Boyfriend, so she was a junior in high school, that about 1997 -- we looked up at the ceiling in the family room one day and saw water trickling down the wall. Couldn't call the roofer who put the new roof on a few years earlier, since he was now my sister's ex-husband. Called another. Said that some of the shingles had been squirrel-chewed. He repaired it and on we went. We never saw any actual evidence of a squirrel in the house, not even the smell, so we gave it no further thought.

Until, of course, I found the acorns this morning.

So, in summary:

  1. At one time, there was a squirrel going in and out of our attic,
  2. I have two squirrels who live in the attic regularly, and,
  3. I've got squirrels in my attic pretty much all the time. But you knew that.
  4. --------------------------------------------------
    I'm watching Queer Eye Marathon

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