the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

**Ahem** 321


11:08 am

Yesterday afternoon about five, R and I went out magazine hunting at Barnes and Noble. I had figured by this time that the ILs call must have been a wrong number, since they hadn't called back all day. When we got home from the B&N, Hubs reported that his father had indeed called. To put in his order for bagels for tomorrow. That's it. Because when they moved to south Jersey, they moved away from The Bagel Capitol of the Universe, which is where I live. A town about four square miles, with a population of about 30,000, and ten bagel shops. And damn good ones. So I'm thinking gloom and doom, and the FIL is thinking Bagels, yum.

We're schlepping off down the Garden State Parkway soon, and won't be back til tonight, so I thought I'd update now while I have a bit of time and the vegetables are roasting. (This is my contribution to the meal. I think it's the only thing the MIL trusts me to make.) First, an amusing turn of events that is due to play out this afternoon.

I don't know if I've described the Hubs' sister and her family. Her husband is the nicest guy in the world who also knows everything. His particular field of expertise is public education, which he'll spout off on to me, a teacher, the MIL, a retired teacher, and the FIL, a retired school district administrator. He's a blowhard and everyone ignores him, but he's also the kind of guy that if your basement flooded, he'd be there in five minutes with his shopvac and pump it out for you if it took days. Part of the sport of the holidays is waiting to see what he'll go off on this time, and trying to keep your own mouth shut, since you can't get anywhere with him.

But it's the kids who are paradoxically of interest. Paradoxically because they are generally very uninteresting relatives. The girl kid is K's age (six months older) and also a sophomore in college. The boy kid is a senior in high school. They are both very tall (me and mine are on the dwarvish side) and he particularly is very handsome, an athlete, and I assume, popular. She is a pleasant enough kid, described to me by her own mother during the high school years as "a band geek." (Not my words, hers.) Here's what they do that drives me nuts:

We'll be sitting at the table, Christmas or Easter, and a cell phone will ring. Whichever one of them will answer it, at the table, and say:


"Not much."

The question must have been "What are you doing?" or "What's going on?" and the answer is "Not much."? Not "I'm sitting at my grandparents' dinner table; I'll talk to you later."? Not, "I'm sorry I left the phone on, Nana." and turn it off without answering? Once, just once, their father said "Put it away" and they rolled their eyes and finished the conversation (they do get up and walk away) because they've already learned not to listen to him.

I haven't heard my nephew's voice in conversation with us in ten years. I only see him at the table and gift opening; otherwise, he disappears. I assumed he was watching sports in another room. Until yesterday.

All of us -- all the members of both families -- got email from the FIL in which he suggested a Christmas without computers. As in, no one goes in and touches his computer until after dinner. Fine by me, I never touch his computer unless he asks me to look at a problem. Certainly the Hubs doesn't go near it, neither do our kids. Who explained to me that the two cousins are always on his computer, playing games, checking email, chatting, the whole time we're there. I noticed they were alternately gone, but never cared enough to see where they went.

So that's on tap for today. Either we're having conversation with them for this first time this century, or we're gonna see a couple of really sullen faces.

I'm watching SNL

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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