the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Settling Down 340


5:06 pm

It is just incredible how quickly things are returning to routine, the routine that existed before the girls came home. Even though I ended up staying home today since I woke up with -- a euphemism here -- a bad stomach, but as long as I wasn't actually running to the bathroom, I felt okay, and got lots of laundry done, boxes packed up to send to R tomorrow, and watched lots of Monk on the Monk marathon. New episode tonight; Monk is one of the few shows I watch regularly, other than old sitcom reruns. Since one of the few others is Joan of Arcadia, Friday just turned into a good TV night for me.

R's flight was delayed three hours last night; she took off about 12:30. She did call at some point to say she was still at the airport, also that she connected with a friend from both New Jersey and her program in Wales who was on the same plane, so at least she wasn't sitting in the airport alone. She called this morning about 8:15 to say that she was on her way from Heathrow to catch the train back to Cardiff. It's almost ten o'clock at night now there, and I know she's exhausted, so she's either sleeping or out with friends, which is what she said this morning she'd probably be doing.

I have a bazillion errands to do tomorrow. I could have gone out this afternoon when I felt better, even just to the supermaket, but I couldn't bring myself to get dressed for the cold and go out in it. I'll do everything in one big shot tomorrow.

I mourn what seems to be the loss of the Friday Five. Although it was rarely profound, I enjoyed it and sometimes it led me to think of things I hadn't considered before, or in a different way. In its absence, then, it's

Stolen Survey Time

Got it from wifemotherme, who got it from ... somewhere. Hey, I'm a sucker for these things.

What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with? Either he didn't have one, or it started with L, maybe. His first name was Wayne.

What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color? Hanes no-show, not bikini and not briefs, so whatever's in-between. Probably white. More than you needed to know.

What is the song you want played at your funeral? The Mickey Mouse March. Everybody I live with knows this, and has for years.

What would your last meal be before getting executed? Either macaroni and cheese or a big lobster with lots of melted butter. I wouldn't have to worry about the IBS attack later on.

Beatles or Stones? Beatles all the way. I was never a Stones fan.

If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? I don't believe I could actually be the one to make a selection, although I suppose there are those evil ones I wouldn't mind seeing gone.

The person whose problems you would never want to hear again? The SCM, the other librarian with whom I work. He's a kvetch.

What is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the preferred sex? Hmm ... eyes? I also like hands.

If you could have any super power what would it be? Flying would be fun. It would also be nice if I could at least swim.

Favorite hangover cure? Haven't been drunk enough to need one.

How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? Probably one. I don't drink.

Favorite Outkast lyric? Who?

Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have? Really, anything but blond. I love red hair. The Hubs at this point has beautiful white hair (and plenty of it), and that's nice too.

If you had to be blind or deaf? Having been half-deaf for almost 12 years, I can tell you that I'd rather be completely deaf than blind. Poor vision freaks me out.

Do you have any psychiatric problems? Who, me?

Siblings that should go to rehab? Nope. A little therapy perhaps, but no rehab.

Least favorite month? Do I have such a thing? Maybe November. It's always so busy.

First movie you can remember seeing as a kid? Probably The Wizard of Oz on TV. In the movies, I remember seeing Sink the Bismark! and Operation Petticoat when I was four or five. Why I was taken to see these, I have no idea. Also Around the World in 80 Days, which went on forever and I hated, and then we got home and I had 104 degree fever. I think I was five.

Favorite person in the whole world? My daughters.

When's the last time you went on a date? Let me part the dim mists of time ...

Do you like violent movies or dirty movies? Neither.

Fall or spring? Spring is beautiful, but the second the trees bud my allergies go berserk. Fall is like everything dying and getting dark.

Person you most wish you hadn't made out with? I never made out with that many people, so I don't think there were enough in there to regret even one. Although I spent way too much time with Wayne (see first question), about two years. I could have wised up to that one faster.

If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with? An interesting question. I don't believe I have ever given this much thought, which is interesting, considering how immersed I am in pursuing rights and such for gay kids at school and folk in general. You'd think someone would have asked me this before. Although I have no problem noticing when women are particularly beautiful, I don't think I've ever been attracted to a woman myself in that way that I can recall.

Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle? I want to live in a nice assisted living facility with good heat and air-conditioning, a refrigerator in my room, a high-speed Internet connection and good cable or satellite TV. (This, I've given thought to.) Where? Near wherever my children are living. I'm assuming New Jersey, but that's not written in stone.

Who is the person you can count on most? Probably the Hubs.

If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors? Patrick Stewart, of course. Coming in second, Thurman Munson. Other crushes I've had in my life include Ben Gazzara and David MacCallum. Okay, you can laugh ... now.

What books have you pretended you've read? I have read so many abstracts and summaries and book reviews in my life that there are some books I'm not sure if I've read, or just read about. Weird? Did I read The Pilgrim's Progress? Maybe. Senior year in high school, I read the Cliff's Notes of All the King's Men so that I could take a test on it, but the Cliff's Notes were so good that I finished the book later that night. Incredible book, by the way.

What's a word you would use to describe your life? Plain. Sorry, Jane.

What did you dream last night? Good one. I dreamed that my therapist was also my boss. Which is not that I dreamed that the lovely Dr. H was the actual Psycho, just that Dr. H was also the principal of my high school, and so when we had had to cancel a session for some reason, she suggested that I make it up during the school day in her office. So I was sitting in her office trying to have a therapy session, but people kept coming in and interrupting us, like her secretary and such, and we would just pretend we were having a talk about school. And then she said she couldn't find her notebooks that she kept about all her patients so she could keep track of the various stuff they said, and she hoped that students hadn't come into her office and taken them again, all this while she shuffled through endless stacks of papers looking for them. The dream both amused and frightened me.

Favorite bands? The Beatles, the Moody Blues.

I'm watching Monk

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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