the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Another Luddite Bites the Dust 430


5:52 pm

If I haven't said this right out before, I'll say it now: my husband is a guy with quirks. Many quirks. Lots and lots of quirks.

One of these is his strict allegiance to "the rules." What are these rules? No one knows. He doesn't actually have a list. But every once in a while over the last ... many ... years, if I've suggested that he try something that in reality he doesn't want to do, I've heard the answer "I can't do that. It's against the rules." Whose rules? His, of course. It's really one of those stupid-husband-tricks; if you just let on that you're a quirky guy, in time, the wife will stop asking you to do things. Which, of course, I have.

(I can't think of an actual example, but a hypothetical one might be that if he's already pulled the car into the driveway for the night and then realizes he doesn't have something that he needs, I might have suggested that he just go out and get it. Can't. Against the rules. Not like I was even asking him to do something for me.)

Among other things, he developed quite the Luddite reputation. Even though he was into computers a little in college (in the 1970s) and the first computer we ever got was his idea (also in the 70s, that's another story), as computers and such came in and I got into them, he didn't. Anything that spoke of technology was not his thing. Even now, he uses a push-lawnmower, no power for him. He's the anti-Tim Allen. He hates ... HATES! the telephone, all telephones. He doesn't go on vacation; in part, I think, because that would involve planes. He's not afraid to fly. He just thinks it's a waste of fuel. Doesn't care for air conditioning, although I keep it on in the house all summer so I can breathe. He never uses it in the car, and has wanted to buy his next car only if he could get it without air conditioning.

And then, there was yesterday.

We left home at about 6 am in the rented van to go down to D.C. and pick up K and all her stuff. The Hubs took a day off from work to do this, which is something else that's generally against the rules, taking off from work, even if you have a perfectly valid reason to do so and nobody in the office is even opposed to it. I digress. He brought his cell phone with him and plugged it in to the power outlet in the van.

That's right. His new job (since December) requires him to carry a cell phone. And to use it. It rang at 8:45 am, and then rang pretty regularly until about 11:30. He was still on it, answering questions for clients, when we pulled onto the school grounds. (He was using a headset all this time, even when I was driving, actually, so safety was not a concern.) When I had called K to let her know we were almost there and mentioned that Daddy was on the cell phone, she said

"Wha ...?"

I'm just getting good laughs over all of this. He's also going to DisneyWorld against his will (to a conference) in a few weeks, remember. And here was the pi�ce de resistance:

When he's on the phone in the car (and his job also requires him to travel all over New Jersey), he has to close the window so he can hear. He has ALWAYS driven with the window open, rain or shine, winter or summer. He likes the air to be moving. But he has to close the window so he can hear. Which means that from now on, when he drives, he needs ... (drumroll, please) ... AIR CONDITIONING. Yes. Air conditioning.

He's in serious jeapardy of losing his Luddite membership card, don't ya think? He's not following any of the rules anymore.


Thanks to l-empress,

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