the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Counting Down 504


7:03 pm

to sending yet another one of my children to live on another CONTINENT for a while. Sheesh. Less than three weeks to go.

Got a call from my nephew last night, whose advisor unfortunately did not care very much for his recently completed master's thesis. Boy, that sucks. He's still waiting to hear from two more readers; I sure hope they like it more than the first one. On the other hand, he did just self-produce his first CD, which he said he's already put in the mail for us, so maybe music will work out after all. When he told me last week that he's looking into teaching -- in high school! -- I actually did laugh at him. Not that he needs the M.A. for that; he was getting that for ... some reason, I think to prolong contact with real life -- and I think he would teach well. He is, however, virtually incapable of following other people's rules, which would likely make a teaching career quite short.

Speaking of his CD, here's a thought to ponder. When he said he'd finished the recording, and was taking orders for the CD, my first thought was, "Well, buy one, rip the tracks and burn copies for R, for K, for Hubs." And then I thought "Crap, I can't do that to J1!" Funny how different it looks when it means taking money out of the pocket of an impoverished person you know and love, huh. I ordered four copies. I have a suspicion that rather than go the post office and find out how much the postage was to send them, he just stuck lots and lots of stamps on the package. A businessman, he ain't. He said they might come postage due. I just hope they get here.

Oh no! My computer decided to shut down and not re-boot about two hours ago, and now, after unplugging all the peripherals, running a virus and spyware scan, it's back, but it doesn't seem to type "w" unless I press the key really hard. I've been having the same problem with the "z" for about a week, but now that's better. Ah, technology. I haven't plugged the hard stuff back in yet, like the DVD burner or the external hard drive or the ipod, but really, if the mouse and the printer work, I guess I'll manage. Amazing, isn't it, how there's all this dazzling, and fairly expensive, technology, and it basically has no shelf-life. I mean, my parents had a refrigerator for about 35 years, and only took it out of the kitchen cause they had it re-done and the fridge looked all beat up. It kept working in the garage for another 5 years, until they sold the house. But a computer? How long do you have one before it starts giving you aggravation? A year? A month? Yeah, you can keep them going, but it's only a matter of not-very-much time.

Just an idle thought: why does anyone believe anything the Bushie says? Come on. If he told me up was up and down was down, I'd grab something and hold on, cause sure as shit I'm about to fall on my ass.

I'm watching Friends

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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