the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Ding, Dong 535


6:17 pm

The A/C's dead. Which solves yesterday's problem, anyway. They "fixed" it again this morning, and said it was done, and it was nice for an hour. I know I sound like a complaining bitch here, it's just that it would be nice to know what to wear to work, and to be able to open a window if we needed to. The windows are either broken (and won't open, not cracked), or inaccessible because of all those damn books.

While I was at lunch today, the Psycho made an infrequent trip upstairs and passed by the library -- heaven forbid she should enter for no reason -- and stopped a kid with a slurpee, comes in and asks the SCM if it is not indeed true that you can't take a slurpee into the library, and he's not sure. So when I got back from lunch, I got the message that the Psycho wanted to see me about slurpees.

How many things are wrong with that paragraph?
  1. Why on earth should a school cafeteria sell slurpees?
  2. How did the kid get out of the cafeteria, down the hall, and up the stairs with a slurpee in her hands?
  3. Who let the Psycho out of her cage office?
  4. Why would anyone of high school age think it was okay to drink a slurpee in a library?
  5. What kind of brain fart was the SCM having that he didn't remember that kids aren't allowed to eat or drink in the library?
  6. What high school principal of any merit whatsover would, in fact, leave a message for the head librarian to see her today regarding slurpees?
Well. So I went down to her office in the afternoon and told her that the SCM was no doubt pulling my leg (I knew he wasn't) because he had given me this bizarre message to see her about slurpees? You fucking moron? (No, I didn't say that. I do have a pension to protect.) Etc, etc, etc, she wants me to put up a sign -- because they'll read that, doncha know -- that says you can't eat or drink in the library. Yeah, good. At yesterday's delightful faculty meeting, we were told, among other surreal tidbits, that this year's district objective -- yes, that's the single most important thing that the whole school district is going to focus on this year -- is to make parents feel better about the school buildings.





Let that sink in for a minute. Aw, go ahead, take another one.





When, I wonder, did the district objective stop being "to educate children."

And in other news, I just signed up for the forum over at S&S, and I am such an idiot that it took me forever to figure out how to get an avatar up there, and the post I wrote made no sense at all. For someone who's been on the Internet for like, ever, I don't think I've ever registered for a forum before. I may have posted anonymously to the Acoustic Neuroma Association or something, but that's it. I'm the world's oldest newbie

I'm watching Roseanne

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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