the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Insanity, Thy Name is Q 536


6:15 pm

*alert*alert* CAT ENTRY

You remember Q.

In the last week or so, she's puked maybe three or four times, and let me tell you, these ain't hairballs. Okay, I know this is disgusting. But Q does not give us neat piles of slime with a dainty solid center. No no, it's more like the projectile, fluorescent variety. Yes, that is more than you needed to know. Sorry.

Anyway, so this bit of training finally worked, and I decided yesterday to stop giving her dry food, since it finally dawned on me that that's what she's puking up. To make up for this, since the cat does live to eat, I'm giving her an extra meal each day of canned food. She gets a can in the morning (little cans), a can when I come home from school, and a last can at about 9, before I go to bed. For almost all of her life, she's had a can in the morning, and a can at 5 pm. The picture above was taken one day at about 4:45.

So today I gave her food at 3:30, and she has been begging for more continuously since then. She's not hungry. But she's knows that it's after 5 o'clock, and she doesn't understand why I've suddenly become incapable of telling time. She's moping. She's whining. She's begging. She's knocking on one of the cabinet doors in the kitchen, pulling it back with her paw and letting it go. I have a cat who knocks on a cabinet door when she's hungry. Although I'm sitting three feet away. It's because she's insane.

Happy New Year, to those of you whose year starts anew tonight at sundown. Mine not so much, although I maintain a cultural connection. When I was a kid, we always stayed home from school and/or work on Rosh Hashonah (the Jewish New Year, the next two days) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement, the most solemn of the Jewish holidays.) We did not observe these holidays in any religious way, but I remember Jack saying that he stayed home from work on these days "out of respect." For ...? His mother, maybe, or his Orthodox father-in-law? Out of respect for remembering that if you're Jewish, you honor Jewish customs and traditions, even if you don't follow the religious beliefs? I'm not sure. But when we moved to the town I still live in -- I was 8 then -- there was a large Jewish community, and, I guess, many Jewish teachers in the school system, and so school was and is closed on the Jewish holidays. I gather this is not the case everywhere, of course, but it's the way school has been all my life since I was 8, so it seems normal to me. I have no school for the next two days.

Having no school changes the whole perspective, though. I don't need to do anything, especially, just go about my business, since I don't have to go to work. That makes tomorrow another cat day, dragging Boo to the groomers, since he's a long-haired cat and a little gross, in fact. I do wonder, though, what, if anything, I would do if the schools weren't closed. I'm not sure about the respect issue, but it sure would seem hypocritical to stay home from work to "observe" a holiday I have no intention of observing, in any actual religious sense, just because of the circumstance of my birth. I think that would just be demeaning to the people who stay home from school/work because it really does mean something to them.

Maybe I'm overthinking this. A bit, perhaps. Maybe I should just take the cat to the groomer and shut the hell up. And be glad the other one isn't still puking bright orange all over the new navy rugs.

I'm watching Roseanne

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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