the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

I'm Alexander 606


4:03 pm

And I'm having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Okay, it's about 8:30 am and I'm sitting here at work typing this. That's for a start. This really has got to be hormonal, because I haven't been bummed like this in ages, and I do feel something coming on anyway. I think it even accounts for my little weight gain, because I took that pamprin crap and it flushed two pounds right out. Of course, that made yesterday less than pleasant, but I digress.

I woke up with a headache like a weight sitting on my face, which an advil has not yet helped. I decided to skip my morning walk, so I left the house ten minutes later than usual. Good so far.

I got to work only to find that the computer network was down. Hilarity ensued.

The library is closed today by administrative decree because we're hosting a debate tournament, and the debaters, ours and theirs, camp out in the library for the whole day. Can you spell O-B-N-O-X-I-O-U-S? Usually our kids are pleasant and the visitors are arrogant and rude, but so far this morning, our little suited-and-tied debaters are loud, spread out all over the place, eating, and generally behaving like empowered little Republicans. (Sorry -- they're all still wearing their campaign buttons and stickers on their notebooks.) The SCM and I will be as useful as quill pens all day, and until these guys are all out debating, I won't even have access to the printers (the network is back up) to start in on my own work. I spoke to the debate advisor about something or other, and he blew me off, another arrogant child.

The Colleague was looking through her bag a few minutes ago -- a Vera Bradley -- and commented that she had been Vera Bradley shopping over the weekend, but didn't see any patterns she liked just now. Maybe the red or black, none of the others, but they didn't have those in the store she was in. Great. I've got a nice one in that new brown pattern already bought and wrapped up for her for Christmas. Swell. Now what?

Three or four other debate teams have now arrived for the tournament. I believe we officially have more bodies in the library than we are allowed by law. This can't be good. I wish a bell would ring, anything.

9:40 am

Since the library is closed and I have all kinds of signs on the doors to that effect that no one reads, I challenge those who appear not to belong here, which is a tough call since some members of the team are not dressed for a Congressional hearing, if you get my drift. I just asked a small group of such kids -- from our school -- if they were on the debate team and one girl most snottily anwered "Ye-es!" To my credit, I said, "Excuse me?" and she said yes in a more human way, and then I made sure that I had her attention and said "Don't speak to me that way again." Bleh. I am not questioning another kid today. If the annoying debate team advisor wants them out, he can damn well put badges on his team members or challenge the others himself. No more of that shit for me.

12:20 pm

It's lunchtime, and despite my signs on the library doors that say we're closed unless you're with the debate, somebody opens the door every few minutes and comes in. One of my library worker drones is sitting near the door; she says to each one of them "Are you with the debate?" and the answer is always "uh ... no." So glad I put the signs up there.

The day has taken an interesting turn, and may shortly go even farther. The Psycho's personal secretary was just offered a better job in another school district, and she's going. Hah! The Psycho doesn't even know yet, or is finding out as I type. (Don't ask how I know.) There should be a real explosion over this one. That crazy maniac can't abide anyone going against her (which is how she'll see this situation), let alone upsetting her routine.

1:20 pm

The SCM tells me that he's heard -- maybe from one of the debate coaches here today; the SCM will strike up a conversation anywhere with anyone -- that at one of the big Catholic high schools in the county, one with an excellent academic reputation, they've recently done away with their library. That is to say, they got rid of the books and now it's a computer lab. It makes me feel like I'm a lamplighter or something, I have some job that once seemed very important and is now just obsolete. I wonder where that's going in years to come.

"What did you used to do, Grandma?"

"I was a librarian, dear."

"Oh, what's that?"

3:30 pm

I'm home. R should be home shortly and then we have to go out and buy the ingredients for Sticky Toffee Pudding, which I read the recipe for and I don't even know what some of that stuff is called in this country. I guess it's something she had in the U.K. It kind of looks like molasses pudding to me, but it's anybody's guess.

It was cold this morning, and I couldn't find a hat to wear. Can you believe it? Remember my gallery of hats? I don't know where I put the winner. Go me.

I still have my sinus headache, and I'm beat. Those lousy debaters. But I'm not as bummed as I was this morning, so that's good. Those lousy hormones.

I'm watching Ellen

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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