the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Running In Place 614


6:28 pm

Now I'm repeating myself. Now I'm repeating myself. Anyway, the first line of Thursday's entry still seems applicable enough to be today's title.

I've spent the entire day at the computer, and only just now remembered to take a minute to write an entry, this after not writing anything yesterday. To recap those missing moments:

I came into work yesterday and found my "holiday" gift from the SCM on my desk. I looked at my watch and asked him "What day is this?" Now what on earth would make him bring in our gifts a week early, unannounced, so we couldn't possibly have his with us? Not that he requires a return gift, but certainly we have them, and this just made me feel awkward. I put it aside and said I would open it next week when I brought in his. Was that snotty of me? Probably. Usually he brings in his gifts on the Solstice, since this is the holiday he allegedly celebrates. I say allegedly because he claims that this is the holiday they celebrate, but it's more an anti-Christmas/anti-Chanukah thing with him, and he thinks that to say he's celebrating the Solstice sounds clever and anti-religion. I don't think he gets it at all that it's legitimately part of some people's religion.

I've been working more on my diary for the family. It's interesting for me to read my early diary entries, like taking a walk through your own memories.

One of R's old friends, who is a bit of a recluse, came over to watch Degrassi with us last night. I knew him as a kid, of course, since he went to my high school with her, but I haven't seen him once since graduation more than five years ago, although she talks to him often and sees him from time to time. He's possibly the funniest person alive, and his life should be a sitcom. Among other things, he's consumed by all things related to movies, knows everything about them, past present and future, but never actually goes to the movies. He does have a full-time job, and may even be considering becoming a librarian, which would probably be a good job for him. Good to see him. He's also grown up into a really good-looking guy, which was nice to see. Funny to see people you knew as kids all grown up.

Hit the Target this morning; K had to pay a ceremonial visit now that she's back in the country. And then I attached myself surgically to the computer. We watched Forrest Gump for a while, too. I suppose there are more Gilmores in my immediate future. But maybe one of K's good friends will be back in town tonight, and she'll hang out with him.

The Hubs just brought the Christmas tree upstairs and put the lights on. I'll have to go see how it looks. We'll put the ornaments on tomorrow. Frankly, it seems like a waste to do all this work for just a couple of weeks; I don't know why he won't put the tree up earlier. What the hell, maybe two weeks is just enough, eh?

I'm watching Love, Actually

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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