the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

My Mood Is: Put-Upon 615


11:26 am

Remember yesterday, when I posted my entry while the Hubs was stringing the tree lights? Scratch that. He brought the tree upstairs, set it down on the little rug I left there for it (without bothering to straigten out the rug first, so it was all crooked) and went back to his little study. He neither secured the tree to the window or curtain rod with fishing line (to cat-proof it) nor strung the lights. Honestly. He went out this morning (Sunday) and did ALL of his Christmas shopping. Yes. All of it, in about two hours. So I know where my gifts came from, either Barnes and Noble or Target. Ho freaking ho. He is burdened with gift buying for his pals at work, for me, and one gift for his father. (I got the other gifts for his father. And for everyone else on our list, of course.)

And I'm reminded of that life-truth I first observed nearly 21 years ago: having two children is as different from having one as having one is different from having none. Yes? Both girls at home --- heavens to Betsy. K feels all dispossesed because the bedroom is really now R's. But K is moving into a new apartment next week; what did she expect? Doesn't she suppose that R felt all dispossessed when she came home for the holidays last year and it was K's room? Were we supposed to preserve their childhood bedrooms forever, like shrines? And by the way, I am fed up to -- my hand is over my head -- with the clutter. I don't see it much, because it's upstairs, but they've got to rid of the clutter, NOW. It's piled high, it's blocking everything, and I've had it. I would love to have that room done over, made into a nice space for them to share, but I can't have anyone start to work until the clutter is gone. They do not get this, that if I have the work done, the clutter will have to go, and I'd rather have the clutter gone first so I can call in someone for an estimate without dying of shame and embarrasment and having the house condemned.

**deeeeep sigh**

It is waaay easier to live with one of them at a time than it is to live with both of them together. Either one alone is incredibly charming. Either one alone is actually very very enjoyable for me. Together .... ah, well.

Not to mention that K is ... that dreaded word ... bored. Really, what does she expect? She's lived the last several months in an exciting foreign city and will be living as of next week in an exciting American city. This ain't the city, folks. If there's anything that defines life in the suburbs, it's boring.

Not that either one of them is being truly bitchy, they're not. They're not even fighting with or picking at each other. I'm just on a little bit of sensory overload.

I went out for orange juice and frozen waffles this morning and came home to find that we're down to two drops of milk. Someone could have written that down, y'know. I don't even drink orange juice or eat frozen waffles.

Women who have children in their forties amaze me. If I had small children now, I'd just ... well ... let's just say I wouldn't be the world's best mother. I wouldn't have the energy/patience/stamina.

I'm watching Cable Guy - ugh

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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