the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Question 687


8:17 pm

Now that I'm mixing flax seed in with my wheat germ so when I sprinkle it on yogurt or oatmeal because it's really really good for me, do you think it will completely, or not completely, offset the Nestle's Crunch Bar with Caramel that's waiting for me in the car?

Just wondering.

K is coming home for spring break, so I'm armed for the car ride down the Parkway to the train station with a chocolate bar (I already ate some, though) and a new Harry Potter audiobook (Phoenix.) I'll stop at Dunkin' Donuts on my way out of town and I could freaking live in that car forever.

Had a very minor Psycho run-in today, because she's a Psycho, and tried to sandbag me with something while she was complimenting my sweater. My $15 Kohl's sweater. Yes, it's lovely, isn't it? Pyscho.

Flax seed is very chewy. More chewy than crunchy, like wheat germ. I'm given to reviewing things today.

I slept last night, but from about 2 am on I was convinced that I was awake. When it was almost 5 and the Hubs' alarm went off, I thought, wait, I think I've been dreaming -- for a long time -- so I was probably asleep. But this is not restful or refreshing sleep, which you could guess. I'm so tired. Now tell me if this happens to anyone else: as I get more and more tired, I get cold. As I fall asleep, I know my body temperature changes; colder the closer I get to sleep (which makes it hard to cross over) but warmer once I'm actually sleeping. Then, of course, two hours later it's hot flash time and all bets are off anyway. Last night I was so cold when I went to bed that I kept my sweater on -- not the Kohl's one -- even though I find it so icky to sleep in a sweater; how's that for weird trivia, but I got rid of it when I woke up the first time at 1. Lately, a few times I've gone to bed with icy feet, which is normal for me, but when I woke up later on the first thing I was aware of was how deliciously warm my feet were and so I couldn't make myself get out of bed no matter what, and trust me, I needed to get out of bed. Couldn't do it for 15 minutes, loving the warm feet.

I am a freak of nature. In case you hadn't noticed.

Now it's just after 8:00 and the Hubs is teaching and R is upstairs prepping her bedroom for sharing with her sister for a week and I am off to bed where it's warm. There to set off my bizarre sleep cycle.


I'm watching The O.C.

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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