the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Pity Me 745


1:06 pm

I'm not quite sick enough for "kill me now." But I'm sick. It's about 10:30 in the morning, and I'm home in bed. I was freezing at school, so I went to the nurse, but I had no fever. I pretty much never register a fever, even when I have one, unless it's over 102, since my nomal body temperature is about 96. But she told me to go home anyway; I was walking all hunched over trying to get warm.

My stiff neck from yesterday is all better, but I must have some sort of stomach bug. Let's just say that proximity to my own home bathroom is a real perk of coming home sick.

I changed my clothes, puttng on thermal layers under my yoga pants and sweatshirt. I made hot tea. And before I climbed into bed with a heating pad and under a down throw over my regular comforter, I dragged in the renewed laptop and stuck the wireless card in it. Voila.

I am such a bozo. It took me like six tries to update the school homepage with one picture, partly because I don't have my regular software on this machine, and partly becaUse I'm just not clear-headed. And yet here I am, typing an entry.

Oh wait, is that the room spinning? Time for a couple of crackers and another spot of tea. More to follow.

Okay, it's almost 1:00 and I'm feeling much better, although my fever is up by a couple-three degrees. I took advil. But typing/reading isn't making me nauseous anymore, and I'm not cold. I've peeled off all layers except those called for by common decency. And R, who's off today, is bringing me tea and stuff, and brought home the Gilmore season 3 so she's watching that with me here in the bedroom.

I'm shvitzing here. Is that good or bad, fever going up or going down? I took my temp at noon, so that's almost an hour ago; I guess I can check and see if the drugs are working. Hold on.

100.5, which would be a point or two higher on a normal person. But it's down almost a full degree from an hour ago, so that's progress.

Ooh, I like having a laptop to use here in bed. If only this machine had a usable battery. I ordered one on Friday from D-E-double hockey sticks, but when I checked online this morning, my order had been cancelled. No note, no phone call. Because they suck. I called from work this morning -- I never do that, but I didn't think it would take long (HAH) and I wasn't thinking too clearly then, either. A very nice guy -- he was in Manila -- finally worked it out and is sending me one, overnight air no charge. We shall see, shan't we?

Have I mentioned how much I hate ... HATE! touchpads? I use a laptop all the time, but I have a mouse connected to it and the touchpad disabled. Because I (yes, I'm going to say it) touch it all the time without meaning to, and the next thing I know, I'm typing in some other paragraph.

I had so much to do this afternoon, and certainly I'm not doing any of it. I'm eating as often as I can, but just toast or crackers with jam and iced tea. We were going to make some little chickens for dinner tonight (aka, game hens) but we're not doing that either.

K is finished with her exams today, and then she's officially a senior in college. When did that happen, I wonder; when I wasn't looking, I suppose.

Okay, my head is starting to clear, my hot/cold stabilizing a bit. And this entry is long enough already.

I'm watching Gilmore Girls

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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