the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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The Little Dears 842


7:53 pm

This is an entry about how weird my husband is.

So, K is home from DC for the week, and we had this gift certificate that Wonderful Niece had given us to a restaurant a few towns over that is just like a regular Chinese restaurant except all the food is vegan, and so I thought, we'll all four of us go out to dinner, because we pretty much never eat a meal together, the four of us, unless it's Thanksgiving or Christmas or Easter, and then, of course, it's us and a whole flock of family. Anyway, so as it was approaching 5:00, the Hubs passed through the kitchen, and I asked him when he wanted to go. He said "Anytime you want" because to answer otherwise would indicate a preference of some sort on his part, and he would certainly never do that. (A little cynical editorial comment there.) So the girls went and got changed, and by 5:30 we were basically ready except we hadn't so much said that to him, so I went over to his little study where he sits and I said "We're ready whenever you are," and I went back into the family room with the girls, where we were waiting for him to tell us he was ready to go.

After a few minutes, he walks through the kitchen, without a word, goes out the back door (he never uses the front door, only the back) and pulls it closed behind him, locking it. One of the girls says "Uh ... I guess daddy's waiting for us in the car." So is he weird, or what? Would it have killed him to say "Now"? or "Okay, I'm ready" or ... oh, I don't know ... anything?

While we were eating, there was almost constant lightning outside and by the time we left, it was pouring, raining sideways, in fact. He went and got the car from the lot and pulled it up to the front of the restaurant for us, which was very nice. He took a route home that passed near his office, and said that if it hadn't been raining so hard, we could stop in and see it, since we've never been there before. (He's only in this particular job about two years, I think, maybe a little less.) We got past it, but then the rain let up, so we went back to take a look.

It's a nice office building, not old, a lot of glass, and of course, empty on the weekends, but he has keys and cards and whatever, so we went in and up to the third floor. Surprise!

His name is on the door. His name is on the freaking door. Now, I realize that humility is a virtue, but come on, he could have mentioned this. This is a very nice thing! If the hallway had been lit at all, I would have whipped out the camera phone to take a picture of it, because his parents would love it. To use a yiddishism, they would totally kvell. But it was too dark, so I didn't.

He has a nice big office too, with a view. Okay, it's a view of Hackensack, New Jersey, but it's a view.

Y'know, we've been married for oh, about a million years -- maybe it's 28 -- and we've known each other for 37 years come next month, and I swear, I still can't tell if nothing penetrates that deep with him, or if everything is just so deep, it's buried too far down ever to reach. We could be married for 50 years (and probably will be), but I will never, ever figure him out.

I'm watching VH1

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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