the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Let Me Tell You About My Day 869


8:17 pm

It was not bad, actually. Surprise!

I spoke to the freshman class this morning and they were polite and respectful and quiet. Wow. The administrator who was running the assembly kept exchanging looks with me; it was a new experience for both of us. This is the guy I was with a couple of years ago on the senior class trip where we simply could not get the group to settle down and let us take attendance. These kids today were sweet.

I wore a skirt and sandals to work, which was virtually the same as going in disguise. I felt all girly, with a skirt on and my pedicure showing. It was also one of the few public occasions on which my ankle tattoo was visible.

I ordered my first book shipment early this year, since I have to get everything on the shelves in time to be packed up and moved out in the spring, and the first cartons came today. Three of them. About 98% fiction. Ahhhhhh. One of the nicest book shipments ever.

But I am exhausted. I managed to sleep until 5 this morning, which is an improvement, I guess, and I just re-set my alarm for 5:30, not that I expect to sleep that late. But getting up at 5:30 has been good; the Hubs is already out of the shower so I'm not in his way, and I have time to work in a walking tape. And if I ever can do it, I can hit the snooze and skip the walk and still have enough time to shower and have breakfast. Oh, this is scintillating stuff today.

Fly Report: There are far fewer today than yesterday. Still a few stragglers, but definitely improving. I'll have to keep working on it for the next few days; eventually I should be able to get them all. Or at least outlast them. I keep imagining alternative strategies, like purposely avoiding them so that they'll feel uncomfortable here and leave, or hitting them with a barrage of insults and mocking comments, the best of which are "I deride your system of values" and "I fart in your general direction," both of which are stuck in my head from the Pythons (although the first one isn't the exact quotation; I can't find it). I'm also fond of "Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of silly persons!" I do not anticipate, however, that these strategies will be effective against the flies. It just amuses me to pretend that they might.

Vegemite Report: I haven't gotten to the International Foods Warehouse yet, but I did find marmite at the supermarket. Based on the label alone, it appears vile. Not to mention that the expiration date on the jar seems to have been a year ago, which isn't good. Oh wait, I am trying to kill the flies with it, not give them a tasty treat for lunch. I'll go looking for the vegemite over the weekend. I actually did have a bit of vegemite once; R brought back a couple of single-serving size packets when she visited Australia a few years ago. But marmite looks like a whole other can of worms. So to speak.

I'm watching The Daily Show

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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