the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Make the Light 915


6:41 pm

Neither of my grandmothers had any sense of the idiom "Turn the light on." Both of them would ask us to "make the light", which must have been the direct English translation of what they learned to say as children. Needless to say, neither of them grew up with electricity.

This came to me last evening shortly after R asked me if I had a flashlight she could borrow. The Hubs asked me this a couple of weeks ago, Where is there a flashlight? Uh .... I have a flashlight in every room. Apparently, although I am not afraid of the dark per se, I must have some fear of being trapped in the dark, because I have a flashlight on an open shelf at my desk, one standing by my side of the bed, another one in a kitchen drawer, and so on. I have countless spares here and there, including the glove compartment of my car. (But everybody had a flashlight in the car, yes?) I always -- underline always -- travel with a flashlight and put it on the bed next to my pillow if I'm sleeping in a hotel because man, it's dangerous to be trying to get out of a hotel in a fire or something and not have a flashlight. Right? Right?

This is a horizontal line. I can make horizontal lines in Dreamweaver but I can't control the color of the horizontal lines. I don't get it. :(

Y'know, we screwed ourselves with that ILs/graduation thing because we asked them if they wanted to go as a courtesy but never in a million years expected them to say they would go. At Christmas, we will make it as clear as possible to them that this is a not a handicapped-friendly situation, which it isn't. Oh it's legal and all, they have handicapped seating and a bit of parking, but otherwise not so much. Let's hope they get it.

I was sitting in my car having lunch today outside the library where the workshop was being held, eating my Jenny tuna salad and listening to Harry Potter, and the wind was shaking the car back and forth. *shiver* I hate wind worse than any other weather. I must say though, I'm very glad it wasn't raining today. There was no traffic at all coming home so I made it in just under an hour. And the workshop was very, very good and useful.

Taking a new tack on the whole eternal fatigue issue, I had some caffeine *gasp!* in my second cup of coffee today. Not only did I stay awake, my headache went away. And my blood pressure medication did not cause me to implode. All in all, a win-win situation. I look forward to partially caffeinated days from now on.

The news of the day here, just about two hours old and very exciting, is the R has gotten a job that is right up her alley, including the whole starving-in-the-arts thing, since it's a perfect-fit job for her that pays half of what she's getting now at the ethically questionable job. (How's that for vague?) It is tremendous growth potential anyway, and the Hubs and I are both very happy for her. Of course, like any job, we'll see how it goes, but she's over the moon about it right now.

And with that, I'm off. Tomorrow is Day One of my new Dreamweaver life.

I'm watching Seinfeld

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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