the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

It Snowed 958


5:07 pm

It snowed a whole lot, in fact, and then the sun came out and it went away. Not that there isn't still a whole lot on the ground, but anywhere that was shoveled or plowed is bone dry, and the trees are bare. This is not how my day began.

I hardly slept, in part because when I would wake up and glance over at the window, it appeared that the porch light was still on, which means that someone is not home. Since R had driven into the city for the first time, this was of some significance to me. Finally, at 2:30, I got up and looked out the window and her car was in the driveway; I must have been seeing a reflection of the streetlight or something. (She told me today that she'd gotten home around 12:30.) I finally got up a little before 5:00 so I could go to the doctor.

I left the house around 6:00, after the Hubs had shoveled and cleaned off my car and left for work. It was very eerie driving. It was still pitch black dark and snowing heavily. The roads were not cleared at all in any way. I saw very few other cars out. I drove slowly, but got there by 6:15.

I was home by 8:00, by which time it was light out, but still snowing heavily. The major roads were clear, although not to the blacktop, but my street and the ones around it were still deep with snow. School had been cancelled for the day, btw; I need to check on Monday that they don't charge me for the sick day.

So I had this thing removed from my chin, and while I was at it, the doctor did something or other with a few little dimples he found there, which he said were probably acne scars. (Ah, yes, I was there. Definitely acne scars.) So now I have a row of stitches nearly an inch long across my chin, and a fair amount of black-and-blue under it. And just a little swelling.

I shoveled just a bit when I got home, hoping to stay on top of it, but in a short time you couldn't even tell. (And the Hubs had already done round one.) But then the most amazing thing of the day happened: while I was taking a nap, R got a call that her workplace was closed, and she went out and shoveled. Holy Never Happened Before, Batman! So that was good. Not that there isn't some left for the Hubs when he gets home, but she really did the lion's share.

He mentioned as an aside in some email during the day today that he got, or is getting, some kind of excellent promotion at work. He is incredibly low-key about this; the only actual plus he can see is that it will be a nice thing to tell his parents. Which it will. He is modest in general, but especially so about his work, even though he knows -- and I only know because other people have told me -- that he is some sort of go-to guy in the whole state of New Jersey for what he does. Maybe this time they will offer him a company car and he'll take it. And that could be my Christmas present, heh heh.

They gave me some Lorna Doones to eat after the procedure this morning, and I figured, Hey, I already had cookies, and I've been eating all day long. My weigh-in tomorrow morning should be amusing.

I'm watching Gilmore Girls

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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