the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

The Day After 995


5:52 pm

First, I can't thank you all enough for all your neato birthday wishes! I feel just like Sally Field!

Birthday dinner was very nice last night, and around 8:45, I got a phone call from my wonderful nephew, who also said we should try to arrange to go out to dinner one night next week. I totally heart him. He is one of the best guys ever.

All went well until I woke up abruptly around 11:30 with a weird gastric-reflux attack; I've never had anything like that before that woke me up. It was ick. Unlike when I wake up for an hour or so every night courtesy of insomnia, I wasn't really ready to wake up then and I was all groggy-like. I ate crackers, and then slept for about an hour sitting up on the couch, since I figured it was somehow triggered by lying down. My stomach was fine, though, and other than being totally exhausted all day today, there were no other effects. It was just another one of those little "Hey! You're ooooold!" things that my body didn't want me to overlook.

Tomorrow is a bit of catching up on things day, along with bringing K to the train in the afternoon to go back to school. Other than the house being something of a mess, I don't think there were any real issues this vacation with the two of them sharing a room, or even with my feeling that the house had somehow reached critical mass. I loved having her here, and I'll miss her. On the other hand, I'm very glad that this is her last semester, and also that she has no night classes this time around. On yet another hand, she thinks she may have to go to Toronto to do some research for her senior thesis, and R is hoping to a) go with her, and b) make the trip by car, and c) drive at night. You'll see a whole bunch of crazy entries if that one comes to pass, I can promise you.

(Remind me again that they are not 7 and 10 years old. They are nearly 22 and 25. I pretended to lose it when they dropped this on me at dinner last night, and then I reminded them that I survived both of them flying to Europe alone, not to mention R flying once to Australia and K once travelling from Berlin to Amsterdam by train alone. *sigh* Sometimes it's so hard to be a parent. Certainly it was never this hard for my parents.)

I ate a small piece of pie today, and a cookie. Now, I ate both of those things in the faculty room, in full view of many people, but I do have this odd feeling that any food you eat in secret will not put weight on you. I know I'm not the only person who's ever believed that, because my father was a secret snacker, not to mention a chub. I'm not in his league for either eating or weight, but is that a bizarre notion? He also seemed to believe that as long as you didn't eat the whole thing, you were okay. We were constantly reaching into a box of cookies to find that there was only one left. As long as he left one, he didn't feel as if he'd totally over-eaten. So that explains the cheese-doodly things I ate this afternoon when I got home. Ah, now it's not a secret anymore. I can feel the calories flying at me from across the room.

Is my antibiotic killing me? Only time will tell.

I'm watching Gilmore Girls

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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