the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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So Naturally, I ... 1258


2:53 pm

I woke up this morning feeling my usual old -- achy, slow -- but not otherwise ill in any way self. Sleeptime had been a festival of endless changes in body temperature, but, you know, that just comes with the territory. I made myself eat breakfast as well as drink the atrocious cup of coffee my machine produced today (gotta run a little vinegar through that sucker tonight) and came to school. Before I even got to the office to sign in, I ran into another teacher, a woman I adore, it so happens, and whom I rarely see so early in the day. Seems she puts on a bucket-load of perfume in the morning. Who knew?

By the time I got up to the library in exile computer room, bad things were happening. First came the knife-in-the-sinus headache. A few minutes later, when the same lovely teacher came up to ask me a question, my ears blocked up and hearing became something of a poignant memory. Then, first period, a biology teacher came in with her class. (We've been very popular with the bio and chem teachers lately, who give their kids computer-based projects to do since their lab rooms won't be ready until the new library is, next month.) This teacher, however, didn't just give a project and supervise, she taught a lesson.

And it turned out that my ear problem was blocking out many tones that I usually hear, such as the kids' voices, which turned into a murmur to me, but that this woman's voice was coming through loud and clear, like a fireplace poker stuck through my head. A voice that was reducing me to a quivering mass. (Picture the post-Slim Whitman martians in Mars Attacks!) I took my hearing aid off, but I could still hear her. Then I had the good idea: I would take my journals that I need to catch up on for book ordering, get a cup of coffee, and sit in the faculty room for the two periods she would be in the computer lab, and work there.

Then I had the bad idea: I would get a cup of regular coffee, in the hopes that it would help the headache. Note to self: don't do that anymore.

But my two periods in the faculty room were terrific. It was quiet, and I had pleasant company, and I got lots and lots done. Unfortunately, I also had the shakes for a couple of hours. Bad, bad, bad.

I felt better after lunch. So much so, in fact, that I took the bold step of knocking on the door of Mr. My-Door-Is-Always-Open -- the door was open -- and innocently asked if he had a timeline for the library opening since I have a class starting a project that could really make good use of some of our books. (True.) And before I left, he had offered to take me on a walkthrough TOMORROW AT 1:00! I'm so excited I could just plotz. He indicated that this would be my opportunity to ask him a lot of my questions, too.

Let's just hope I can hear the answers.

I'm watching Daily Show

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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