the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

In the Continuing Saga 1270


5:20 pm

I went to work this morning, happy as a clam. It was wonderful to a) take a real shower, b) drive, and c) be out of my house. Driving was surprisingly easy. (I used both feet.) Once I got to school, I drew a lot of attention, which I had expected, and came upon the simple answer to everybody's astonished "What happened to you?": I broke my leg at the gym. I never said it once without getting the appropriate laugh, which is probably what I was going for.

I hobbled into the nurse's office, discussed a few items, and then she pushed me to the elevator in a wheelchair and up to the library in exile. I stayed put there except for one hobble to the ladies' room. I had made it clear to the principal's secretary that I had to talk to him today and I wasn't making a superfluous trip down there, and he came up and talked to me, first time he was ever in that room, I think. He was actually very, very nice today. So, points for that.

I got my wheelchair ride downstairs and left after second period. I drove to the doctor's, where I got the hard brace; so far, I'm not all that fond of it. I also got a prescription for crutches, one of the things I had discussed with the nurse, so then I had to stop at the medical supply place, not far from the doctor's office, to pick them up. By this time, just the getting in and out of the car and into the buildings had exhausted me. So, naturally, I had an IBS attack. By the time I got home, I was exhausted and feeling pretty sick. But I'm better now on both counts after a nap.

Am I going to work tomorrow? Really, I don't know. If I do, I'm not doing anything else, just drive there, put the brace back on, stay as long as I can, drive home. I'm tending, however, towards the not going, since it seems I can't get pants on over the brace, and tthey kind of want you to be dressed at school. I have an appointment for nails tomorrow at 3:30, but I think I'll switch to Friday, when K isn't working, so she can drive me there. Taking the brace off to drive for five minutes is one thing, but sitting while they do my nails for an hour without it is something else. If she drives, I can keep the brace on the whole time, that's assuming I can even get my whole leg into the car.

I continue to have an oddly diminished appetite. I've even gotten to the point a few times of feeling shaky and light-headed, or headachy, from not eating. This is a familiar feeling from my youth, when eating just didn't interest me much, but not so much from recent years, when I've added weight exponentially by the day. Hmm. Mostly, when I realize I should probably eat something, I just have a peanut butter sandwich, but my unfortunate attack earlier today reminds me that it's time to fiber up. I don't know. The headache is coming on now, so I guess I should eat something.

I'm going to post and eat. I wonder if anyone else is going to clean the litterbox today?

I'm watching Still Standing

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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