the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Sigh 1283


5:47 pm

I am always so tired! I've been sleeping so strangely, fine for a couple of hours on the couch, then fine for several hours in bed, and then at 4, I'm awake. Sometimes I drift off again, sometimes not. Lately, any naps I try to take are interrupted by the phone, mostly political calls. If I vowed never to vote for anyone who calls or rings the doorbell, do you think I could make it stick? Doubt it. Most of the calls come from the Democrats, because I guess they've got me pegged. Although why they waste the money when I'm already on their side, I do not know. I would like to know why the caller ID says that most of the calls come from Wyoming. Freaks me out, man.

Oops, I see that I lost my retirement ticker down at the bottom of the page. I'll look for it in an earlier entry and get it back there. One of these days.

I went with the Sibs to get a pedi this morning, which was pretty amusing since I could only get one foot in the water and all, but it was nice anyway. But when I got home, my cell phone wasn't in my pocket, and I just hoped that it had fallen out in the pedi chair and that they still had it, which it did and they did, and K was going for a mani/pedi this afternoon, so she picked it up for me. And that's my excitement for the day.

I did watch the rest of the Bilko disk -- there was the episode with Doberman's sister; anyone else remember seeing that on TV? I do, and the Hubs did. Btw, the Bilko show was first on TV in 1955, when I was 2, so I'm hardly up to remembering when it was first shown, but I believe this was one of the very first shows that was run in daily syndication. I would guess that I saw these shows when I was five or six; I do remember watching it every day.

Otherwise, I cleaned up the file of all my photos on my backup portable hard-drive, and started checking the filenames and renaming those that needed it. When I'm done, I'll delete everything from iPhoto, copy the folder onto my hard drive, and re-load them all into the program. What I want is more or less uniform filenames, all of them starting with a date. In some cases all I have is a year, or even a decade, but at least once they're correct, iPhoto will use the filenames as the picture titles and then I can search them by keyword and they'll all show up in chronological order by default. I have many duplicate photos, for some reason, and not having their filenames uniform made it almost impossible to find and delete them. I did delete a lot -- over 200, I think -- but there's maybe a 100 more hiding in there, and I want 'em out.

Just got another call from Wyoming -- excruciatingly long pause ... "Hello, this is Governor Dick Codey." -- click. First of all, you're not. You're a recording. Second of all, Codey was our acting governor two years ago for like five minutes. So I don't care. (You all remember how New Jersey's governor announced that he was a "proud gay American" as if it were some kind of ethnic group and then, oh, he also cheated on his wife and accidentally appointed his lover, who was blackmailing him, to be the state's homeland security chief. Right. That's when Codey, much to his own surprise, suddenly became our governor. And then we elected a real one.)

Anyway, I've got like a million more pictures to go through and re-name. Some of the dates are hard to come up with, especially old pictures from the Hubs' family. As long as I'm looking through them, here's a random one for your amusement:

Tell me that isn't the cutest little boy you ever saw. I was so convinced that I would have at least one kid who looked just like that that when K -- #2 -- was born, I made the doctor turn her over and over again just to prove to me that I hadn't had a boy.

I'm watching Law & Order (original)

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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