the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

S.O.S. 1308


8:10 pm

I feel as if I've been writing just so much crap lately -- no pun intended, really, but you never know -- just narrating my life, nothing good. But that's how it is at the moment, I guess. I'm being overtaken by the details of my daily life, but as long as I'm not being overwhelmed by them, I guess it's okay. Monday, for example, when one thing after another kept happening, I was not at any point in the day down or bummed out. Further going to show that it's all brain chemistry. You know, better living through brain chemistry.

So I was not at work again today, although I emailed with the SCM maybe a dozen times here and there. The mammogram was fine, for both the Sibs and me; digital mammography is definitely the way to go. Unfortunately, my stomach was bad again this morning, so we had to ditch our normal post-mammography plans of shopping and lunch. I just came home and emailed more with the SCM and napped off and on. I also got a very good report from the orthopedist, who says I should start to wean myself off the brace, so I won't sleep in it tonight. I still have the nasty cold.

As for tomorrow, I haven't looked forward to going in to work this much since K was two, and every day I thanked my lucky stars that I wasn't staying home with her all day and had a job to go to. (Heh heh. Okay, it's true. Call the mother police, if you want. I would get to work every day and say, first thing, Thank god I'm here.) There's so much to do in the library, as we knew there would be the whole time we were in exile, and the SCM has had to do the lion's share of it this week on his own.

I still don't have my car back; I've just borrowed the Sibs' car for tomorrow, since she goes to work with her husband on Thursdays and is gone all day. We'll try to make the swap back and then pick up my car when K gets home from class tomorrow night. Y'know, I couldn't drive my car for three weeks when I first broke my leg; why couldn't it have needed all these repairs then? I think I've driven it for less than a week altogether since October 21, when the whole leg hoo-hah started.

I am cleared by the doctor to start very mild exercising, like the Yoga For the Rest of Us video, where you do your yoga sitting in a chair (and the people in the video are in their 80s) and real yoga in three weeks. Anything else, he said to let the pain be my guide. So we'll see if I can Walk Away Some Pounds as well, maybe over the weekend. I'm turning into Jabba the Hut here.

Oh, here's a joke that was posted on the wall in the changing room at the mammography place; let me see if I can get it right.

A fiftyish woman is jumping up and down on her bed, excited and happy. Her husband comes into the room and watches her for a few minutes and then says "What are you doing that for? You look ridiculous." She says "I just had a mammography, and the doctor says I have the breasts of an 18 year old." "Oh yeah?" he says. "What did he say about your 55 year old ass?" "Nothing," she answers. "Your name never came up."


I'm watching Next Top Model

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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