the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Water Weight 1202


7:02 pm

I weighed four and a half pounds less today than I did yesterday. In other words, why am I bothering? Clearly, my body has its own bizarre agenda.

Quite a world we're living in today, eh? What exactly is accomplished by "terrorism," I wonder? You get to be king of the playground? You get to tell everyone else what to do? Somehow, I don't think that's what they want, exactly. These sick fucks aren't out to take over every country in the world and make them over in their own images. Is it that they want to be left alone? Here's a clue: stop fucking with other people, and they'll leave you alone. What's to be gained by blowing up planeloads of innocent people? Oooh, we'll be scared of them then! Here's news: we're already scared, you can't make us more scared, and no matter how scared we are, we're not toe-ing your line. So you can just quit it.

Remember yesterday's little project? Well, at least it kept me busy for a while. I've decided not to take my computer with me to Florida after all. I called the hotel, and they have a business room, or whatever it's called, where there are computers and printers for hotel guests to use. That'll have to do for me. That's what I used when I was in England a few years ago, and it was fine. This way, I won't have the additional hassle at security, not to mention carrying around the weight of the computer. This way I can check my luggage and not have to carry a laptop case, too. I'll have one nice, relatively little, handbag to carry, and all I'll have to worry about are the rest of the electronics that go with me everywhere, that I'll hve in there.

I've been having a bit of discomfort today, but some of that is the lack of/re-starting the hormones and all that settling in. Get this. Talked to the ILs before, they of the perpetually sunny outlook, and the MIL asked how I was today and I said truthfully that I was having a bit of discomfort today, and she said "Well, I'm glad that you're feeling better." Uh .... huh. She only hears what she wants to hear, and she only wants to hear good news. It's freaking weird, man.

For some reason, I had this longing to see R today, who was going to be coming over after work either today or tomorrow, but she's coming tomorrow, as it turns out. All morning, I would think "R's coming today!" and smile. Funny. Maybe it's the relatively stress-free aspect of seeing the daughter who doesn't actually live here and strew her stuff all the hell over the place. Ahh, what can I say. After K left for work, I enjoyed the quiet for five minutes and then I missed her, too. I think it has something to do with limiting my activities, so there are things I need to do in the house that I can't do, and I'm bored.

And now the Hubs is home, drenched from a sudden downpour. Hey, someone to talk to!

I'm watching Friends

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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